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Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to Get Rid of Those Blackheads?

How and why these black spots increase his dark head and all places around the delicate curve of the nostrils? How to get rid of blackheads on the nose to get? If the black dots are missing school in the face of a teenager, the guilt, of course, the hormones! During puberty when hormones are secreted at full capacity, a series of products are produced as a byproduct of DHT or dihydrotestosterone, which causes excess oil. This extra oil clogs the skin pores. If the face is round then exposed to the sun, this oil is black and the pimple is born!

Dermatologists believe that the black spots are the second step in the growth of acne. When black leaders are not effective then cleaned more and more oil is secreted by the sebaceous glands, a greater amount of oil that is collected over time lead to infections and acne. So you are wondering how to get rid of pimples?

Wash your face with water. How to get rid of blackheads for washing with water? Refresh your skin with water using a mild face wash to clean the skin. Do not scrub or clean intense that only stimulate the sebaceous glands and lead to an increased secretion of oil. Follow this by facing a steaming and then use a sterilized blackheads remover to remove pimples blocking the pores. If the black point is the result of hormonal changes like puberty, is not angry.

It's just a passing phase and soon will be a clear flawless skin, if you follow a regular routine of cleanse, tone and protect your skin. Can not completely eliminate the black spots, but left permanent scars.